Learn to read Tarot -Sunday 12/13/09 @ 1 PM

The Tarot Salon will meet again on Sunday, December 13, 2009. This is an excellent class for beginners as well as practicing readers to learn more about Tarot, fundamentals of interpretation, the landscape method of interpretation, as well as other topics of interest to participants. The Class has really become a free flowing experience, and while I do have a course outline posted on my site, and am capable of teaching Tarot from the Hermetic perspective, it is also working very well to have students request the topic for the day. Question and answer periods occur throughout the two hour workshop, and as some of those attending are quite will versed in Tarot, as well as other metaphysical paths.. and many have a good background in astrology, the workshop is a rich experience for teacher & students alike. You may choose to participate at anytime. The course outline is very flexible, so no need to worry if you were not able to attend the first lesson. The fee for the class is $...