Major Arcana Workshop - Sunday 12/12 @ 1 PM

The Empress: Manifestation of The Feminine Balance All are welcome to join the ongoing Major Arcana Workshop that will meet this Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 1:00 PM at The Midnight Sun, 1055 Park Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32204. Professional Tarot Consultant Ann George will teach this two hour intensive that reveals the origins of interpretation of the Tarot of the Empress. The Empress is the second feminine Tarot in the Major Arcana, and the importance of a right understanding of the many possible interpretations of the archetype cannot be under stated. The study deck for the course is The Hermetic Tarot Deck , which is available for purchase at The Midnight Sun . The fee for the the class is $15 - Cash. The Workshop will continue until all the Major Arcana have been covered. As we are still in the early stages of the intensive, now is a very good time to become a part of this vital workshop. A question and answer period is included in the class.