The importance of the Question in Psychic Readings

Recently I have had calls from young women who are seeking some insights into their futures. Initially, it is difficult to help them because we are coming to the reading process from two very different points of view. Here are a few examples of questions I cannot easily answer: "Will he come back to me?" "When will he call?" "What does my future hold for me?" "Will I get married?" "How many children will I have?" The basic problem inherent in all these questions is the passive nature of the world view that makes that question possible. First, I take my clients trust in me seriously, and when I sit down to do a reading, I drop my agenda, my opinions, my values and personality in order to be fully present for the seeker and to be able to "find" the answer to the question. I strongly prefer to provide accurate answers to questions, and to be as specific as possible. If you want to see the outcome of continuing to w...