How Do I Develop My Psychic Abilities?

* a response to a frequent question by Professional Tarot Consultant Ann George It is my experience that this question is most often posed by two very different kinds of seekers, both since re in their concerns, and both asking an important, perhaps life changing question. To begin - I feel it is important to place the question in the context of the ideas of this century. After all, horror films, and fantasy series are popular, and captivating. There is no shortage of programs about the occult, mysterious creatures, portals in time and such. Most modern media has portrayed psychics, seers and mediums in strange lights at best. One of the most tragic and sadly the most often true depictions is that of “psychic” who is instead a con artist, trickster, fraud or predator who poses as a psychic reader. I answer phone calls regularly from people who have encounter these trickster readers. These tricksters are often very gifted, either at “cold reading” and following t...