Practical Mysticism Workshops Begin - First Class Saturday 1/31/15.

Join Ann George - a practicing mystic and natural clairvoyant - for an esoteric workshop series designed to help you rediscover the mystic in the mundane. Ms. George will be offering a series of 12 classes. Each class will be offered on the last Saturday of every month from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM at Midnight Sun. Midnight Sun is located at 1055 Park Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204. It is served by the #15 and the #5 bus routes. Each class is $20 per person. Cash please, however debit and credit cards are accepted ($22 per class.) Each workshop will explore such topics as: 1) The relevance of the Signs of the Zodiac and how they may best used in advising every day decisions; 2) Signs, Omens, and Totem Animals - how to “see” them in the everyday; 3) Paranormal Events of All Kinds ( please bring your questions); 4) Empowering Rituals - simple, elegant ways you can make simple acts sacred; 5) Opening to your Inner Mys tic; 6) Action on the Mystic Path; 7) The...