Are You Afraid to Have a Psychic Reading? Learn more about this useful service.

On my Walk-In days at the store where I have a small office in Jacksonville, Florida I have a chance to meet people who have never had a reading. Most new comers have no real idea about the kinds of services a professional psychic offers. The other day I heard a shopper who had a friend considering a reading say: “Oh, don’t go see her!! She might tell you something you don’t want to hear!” I would like to start my post by sharing some important points about the services I offer. I am always happy to talk with people about the benefits of consulting a psychic. To begin - I am not a fortune teller. You are not going to enter a dark, incense filled room with lots of occult decorations. I am not going to give you a “cold reading” where I gaze off into the distance and tell you that I can see that you are “weary.” I am not going to see that “you work hard, yet can’t seem to hold onto your money”. I am not going to tell you...