A Note To New Clients • Psychic Readings by Ann George

After working 20 years as a professional Tarot consultant and medium, there are some questions that are always uncomfortable for me. One of those is “Is my partner cheating on me.” If you do indeed want hard evidence that your partner is actually having a physical, sexual affair there are still private detectives who will trail your husband, wife or lover and provide you hard evidence that yes there is cheating. In the same way medical questions are best handled by a doctor. I am happy to look and see if you have chosen the best doctor for your needs, I am happy to find the best way for you to prepare for an operation, but it is not ethical for me to “see” medical issues and to be the final answer when it comes to your health. If we have been working together for years and prior questions such as “Show me the best way to live a long, healthy life.” have been asked and answered, then you may have chosen to see a doctor for troubles I see that may...