A Note To New Clients • Psychic Readings by Ann George

One of those is “Is my partner cheating on me.”
If you do indeed want hard evidence that your partner is actually having a physical, sexual affair there are still private detectives who will trail your husband, wife or lover and provide you hard evidence that yes there is cheating.
In the same way medical questions are best handled by a doctor. I am happy to look and see if you have chosen the best doctor for your needs, I am happy to find the best way for you to prepare for an operation, but it is not ethical for me to “see” medical issues and to be the final answer when it comes to your health.
If we have been working together for years and prior questions such as “Show me the best way to live a long, healthy life.” have been asked and answered, then you may have chosen to see a doctor for troubles I see that may affect your future. This is a good use of reading for health, to look forward to see the best way to take good care of yourself.

Can I see if your partner is now or may in the future unfaithful. Yes, I usually can. However I also know that there is physical infidelity as well as emotional or spiritual infidelity.
How do I get to see the actions of your partner? I get there by looking to see the outcome of you continuing your relationship with _____________ and then you tell me your partners full name.
I recently had a client who didn’t want to tell me the name of their partner. I should have stopped the session right there, and kindly suggested that perhaps I was not the best reader for him/her.

If you are not willing or able to work with me by visualizing or “showing me” the life issue we are working on, or to put forth a direct and honest question, then I can’t give you an accurate reading.
There are different readers for different people and I am not the best choice for everyone. If we do not make a good connection, I am willing to stop the session as soon as we discover we are not a match, and wish you the best as you seek a reader who will meet your needs.
I have found that taking clients on a brief guided meditation about their question/problem helps them focus and makes it much easier for me to “see” the answer to the question. I do not need you to tell me the back story. Recently a new client complained about this part of my process in an online review.
I am not quite sure what sure why. A clear question gives a clear answer.

Every hairdresser, every barber, every doctor or dentist is not the best for every person. Does it make that professional a fake, a fraud or cheat? No. It means they are not the best choice for you.
Sadly, in my profession, failing to live up to the expectations of a client does indeed result in name calling like this. I have some posts on social media that allege that I will “steal your money”.
Others reviews (some that must be posted by competitors) present me as a fake, having no psychic ability and again as a thief. There is nothing to be done about it. People are allowed to react as they do.
I am always surprised to read these reviews. For live sessions, clients pay after the reading is over. If you are not comfortable, or feel we are not connecting, please just say so. We can stop and part with good feelings. You keep your money and I don’t invest any time in providing you a service that is not what you expected.
Please know that I have been blogging about readings for many, many years. I refer clients to my blog or site before they come to see or call me. I want people to know who I am and how I read before they sit down. This is best for everyone.

I realize many people wait to choose to consult at psychic. Sometimes we are seen as the last resort? I know that my responsibility is to take the best care of my clients as possible, and yet to tell them the truth. Everyone who sits down with me gets that information.
Everyone who sits down knows that I need them to ask me their question out loud and then to visualize the back story. This visualization saves time, does not complicate the issue with words….. and allows the client and the Tarot to interact as well. I offer full disclosure before we begin and am offering this note in hopes that new clients will feel comfortable about the way I provide service.
Thank you for your kind attention to my post. If you would like to book a phone session, please call the studio at 904-993-7466. If you are in Jacksonville, Florida, you are welcome to walk in to Midnight Sun, 1055 Park Street, 32204 and find room #101 on Monday & Thursdays between 12:30 & 5:00 pm. This is an easy way to fit a session into your day. No appointment is needed on those days.

I offer readings by phone Sunday through Friday, and in special circumstances on a Saturday. All phone sessions must be scheduled in advance. I look forward to being of service.
Please follow my blog, or follow me on Facebook. If you are a satisfied client, a would welcome your favorable review on Google.
Peace to all.
Peace to all.
Ann George
©Ann George Studios, Inc. 2017
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