Insight • Psychic Clarity for Everyday Concerns
Life may often feel overwhelming. We may have those days when everything seems to be going wrong all at once! We may not trust our intuition. We may feel as if we can’t get a hold on the best way to move forward at any point in time.
Sometimes we are faced with many important, life changing decisions and sometimes those choices are inter-related. One choice will impact all the other choices on our horizon in such a way that we may feel paralyzed, unable to risk any choice at all.
This is one of the times when a psychic reading can be most helpful. We are able to get a glimpse of the outcome of our decisions, we can “try them on” before we fully commit to see if a particular choice will move us forward, toward our desired goal - or not.
Clairvoyant Tarot readings are a very powerful tool to help us access our Divine Mind, also referred to by some as our High Self. The Tarot is a unique oracle in that it empowers not only the Seer, but also the Seeker.
The Tarot is a very ancient book of wisdom that resonates with the energy body of the Seeker as it connects to the unique place in the Akashic where the future of outcomes lies waiting. By asking to see the future or the outcome of a particular decision we are faced with, we set up the future with both the question itself and our thinking about that choice.
Our future is a consequence of what we have done/experienced, what we are doing/thinking in the now as well as the influence of all the environments and the people that fill our lives. As we cannot change the past we are left to make best use of our real time thinking and the resources at hand to co-create the best future possible.

The Tarot will reveal the most likely out come to most any choice you are faced with. Having access not only to the Tarot, but to a skilled psychic reader will enable you to explore all the possible outcome of all your possible choices for most any life matter.
I have been serving as a professional Tarot consultant since 1996. Born clairvoyant, the Tarot has enabled me to focus my seeing in such a way that I am able to be useful to others. I am sure that seeing the outcome of decisions is indeed helpful. I have published many articles over the years to better explore the benefits of psychic readings, and readings with Tarot in particular.
I have offices in Jacksonville, Florida should you want to have an “in-person” consultation. I also offer readings by telephone appointment. Please visit my website for more information. You may also call the Studio at 904-993-7466. If you would like to schedule a session.
Ann George
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