Buyer Beware! Not All Consultants Can See The Future.

I realized I have been living in my own little bubble of assumption and have fallen out of touch with how best to present myself to new clients. I am writing this post to help you feel comfortable that you do understand my abilities as well as my limitations. 

Who Am I? 

My name is Ann George and I am the owner of Ann George Studios, Inc. I have been open as a Psychic, Tarot Studio and Reiki Healing Practice since 1996. I am both a psychic person as well as a professional Tarot Consultant. Sometimes I use the word clairvoyant to describe myself. Other adjectives I prefer are mystic, seer, empath, as well as clairsentient.

I have always seen spirits, energies, etheric or ghostly beings, as well as the future. When I was much younger I could hear people thinking. This was not a cultivated quality, I was born this way. When I was in my late thirties, I realized that the “gift” was not going away, instead it was becoming stronger. 

To manage the return of “seeing” I made the decision to abandon my corporate career to work full time as a professional psychic. I had to be sure that I could see the future on demand and accurately for every client, every work day before I would open my first shop. 

To accomplish this, I apprenticed to a professional psychic in my city for a year. As well I began a nine month retreat and exhaustive study of Tarot. The “Hermetic Tarot” by Godfrey Dowson was my deck. I also read for local Spiritualist churches at their psychic faires.  It took me eighteen months to feel sure that I was worthy, able, and fully prepared to read for the public as a professional. 

Services I Offer 

I am able to see the past, present and future outcomes for you. I am a past life medium as well as a medium between the worlds. To ensure that I offer the very best and most accurate readings I bring Tarot to the table. Often I will spread the cards as both a springboard to the Akashic as well as a double check to validate (for myself) what I am seeing. 

I cannot find lost people, pets nor lost objects. I am not able to tell the gender of an unborn child by psychic means. I do not give lottery numbers, see the outcome of court cases, immigration claims nor do I see the military deployment of a loved one.  

I must tell you the truthful answer to any question you ask me, no matter what the question, no matter the outcome. My purpose is to be of service. I do not give advice. I do not do spells, magic, nor “work”. You are the magic! I will help you rediscover that if possible. 

I have two offices in my city. In one office I see clients on a “walk-in” bases, in the other office I see clients by appointment only. I offer phone readings by appointment. I am also an Usui Reiki Master and offer distance healing or Remote Reiki by appointment. 

Why Am I Writing?

I am recently meeting new readers who are offering Tarot consults yet they are not fully psychic and cannot see the future. These new readers use Tarot to tell you the spiritual meaning of your present. This may be a very useful reading, but please be sure that your Tarot consultant is able to meet your needs before you sit down. 

I am also recently meeting new readers who are not well studied and who are not familiar with the origin of interpretation of Tarot. These readers seem to rely on the book that comes with their deck to divine the answers. Some may simply react to the images in the deck without an understanding of the true meaning of the card. 

This method may be entertaining, but I can’t endorse it. This method of coming to the business of working as a professional consultant without a true knowledge of the “why” of the interpretation seems a cheat to me. 

I am also out of my bubble to price check and see that some readers who are less qualified that I charge far more than I do. Please be aware that a high price may not a reflection of the skill of the reader. 

In Closing

I believe it takes years to fully appreciate the complexities of The Tarot. It also takes time to build a personal relationship with The Tarot. Just as it takes decades to fully grasp astrology, so too it takes decades to be fluent in the metaphysics of divination. If one is not born with second sight, the journey of understanding is to be applauded, and supported, but not mistaken for  something more. 

I am sure that Tarot is a worthy study. I hope more people will take to the path and open the doors of perception to empower themselves, friends and family to live abundant and enlightened lives.  Using Tarot to clarify the present is indeed a worthy pursuit and everyone reading this article can choose to study just one card a day, or one card a week to see how life and Tarot work together. 

If you are called to serve as a consultant, I wish you all the best. Please choose a teacher, a spiritual family and a deck that are “correct”, operating for the benefit of all, who are welcoming and transparent. 

There are many excellent books published on Tarot and some fine decks available. Please note there are many decks published for fun, some for profit, but very many published containing marked deviations from the original meaning and purpose. Buyer Beware! 

Thank you for your kind attention to my post. 

Ann George 

© Ann George Studios, Inc. 4/2019. All Rights Reserved. 


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