Reconnecting to Spirit Realms - The Healing Benefits of a Reading

To hold our natural ability to connect with spiritual realms it is very important that we maintain our ability to connect to the natural world. For many people this is becoming much more difficult to do. We are at an unusual time as humans on the planet. Many of us no longer walk barefoot on the Earth for we now have paved roads, sidewalks and shoes. Our most basic connection to the natural world is broken as we no longer feel the Earth beneath our feet as we walk across her. For many, a calming walk through the woods or meadows is not an option. The wilderness is tamed and filled with buildings of all kinds. We can go to parks in cities, but the sound of traffic follows us almost everywhere, disturbing our connection to our own inner knowing. Where once we could relax on a porch or a stoop in the evening and hear the crickets, tree frogs, night birds and many other creatures moving in the darkness, many now hear traffic, sirens, or radi...