Reconnecting to Spirit Realms - The Healing Benefits of a Reading
To hold our natural ability to connect with spiritual realms it is very important that we maintain our ability to connect to the natural world.
For many people this is becoming much more difficult to do.
We are at an unusual time as humans on the planet. Many of us no longer walk barefoot on the Earth for we now have paved roads, sidewalks and shoes.
Our most basic connection to the natural world is broken as we no longer feel the Earth beneath our feet as we walk across her.
For many, a calming walk through the woods or meadows is not an option. The wilderness is tamed and filled with buildings of all kinds. We can go to parks in cities, but the sound of traffic follows us almost everywhere, disturbing our connection to our own inner knowing.
Where once we could relax on a porch or a stoop in the evening and hear the crickets, tree frogs, night birds and many other creatures moving in the darkness, many now hear traffic, sirens, or radio music as cars drive by pumping the latest hit song into the night.
As we lose access to the sounds and comforts found in the natural world, it is reasonable that we would also feel cut off from our own inner knowing, whether it is our mystic darkness or our stars. As we lose these connections, the joy and strength of our spiritual well being can suffer.
It is very reasonable that in these times many people feel the need for validation of their intuitions. It is very reasonable that many people need to see more clearly than this new world of technology and constant interruption allows.
Many people find that consulting a reader (psychic, spiritualist, clairvoyant or Tarot card) is not only necessary to get an honest second opinion, it is necessary to gain a true insight into what the future holds.

It is easy to lose touch with hope, to stop believing that a bright tomorrow is possible even though we are sure that could be our truth.
The natural world, bursting with new life at every turn is removed from our everyday, and so we can forget that new beginnings happen all the time! Flowers on the breeze, fireflies dancing in the night sky, owls calling out are wonderful moments humans need to stay calm, centered and connected to the wonder of the possible.
Although I was born with certain abilities, to be of true help to others, I chose to invest my time in decades of study and practice which has enabled me to make those abilities useful to my clients.
I am very lucky that my life path requires that I take a dip into the mystic waters of the natural and supernatural worlds on a daily basis!
As a professional clairvoyant consultant I must invest time to connect with the earth, the placement of planets in the heavens, and greater movement of the stars as well as the movement of global mindstreams.
To continue to be of service I watch signs and omens, note the passing of crows, the falling star, the new and full moons, and I follow reports about changes in our natural world as well as the human world of money, politics and trade.
In so doing, I am much better able to create, in sacred space, a clean frequency we use to climb the ladder of perception that will take us both the the Akashic for a look around.

All ethical readers, all those who are indeed gifted with the ability to walk between worlds of perception can find answers to your questions.
If you choose to fully participate, to share in thought your intuitions to the future and your perceptions of the past & present, we will have a much more successful session.
I am not the kind of reader who wants to hold your power, I want to help you reconnect to that power walk away from our time together with answers that reveal the future you want to live. An ethical reading can help you find new and successful opportunities for confidence, peace and the ability to make choices with a better understanding of the consequences of your actions.
Many clients leave our session reporting that they “feel much better”. This does not happen because I offer only happy answers. This does not happen because I tell only what people want to hear. What happens in a session is a far brighter blessing.
At the end of a session, we will have walked together into the future, we will have taken a dip into that special place of awareness that transcends time and the material world. For many this reconnection is a kind of healing.
The true cause of “feeling better” even if a hard truth or “unfortunate” outcome is revealed, is that most clients have touched their own inner mystic and made reconnection with their inner mystic.

I also have walk-in readings on Thursdays at Midnight Sun - a glorious import store full of stones, candles, incense and jewelry of all kinds. Walk-In Thursdays hours are from 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm. If you don’t see me, there is a sign up sheet at the back counter.
Please call the studio at 904-993-7466 to schedule, or send an email.
Thank you for your kind attention to my post.
Ann George
© Ann George Studios, Inc. 2017
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