Psychic Services • A "menu" from Ann George Studios, Inc.• Established 1996

As I am rebuilding my website to accomodate the new “Phone First” protocols of design I have been looking at other readers sites. Some are very, very well done! I have added a new “phone friendly” store page which is still in process. The Tarot section has been updated for some time now. I have been very surprised to see psychic readers, especially in Jacksonville, Florida, advertise services that are not allowed under the occupational license for our profession. Some services advertised actually require a college degree in most states! Some "psychics" are selling spells and magic. I do not sell magic. You are the magic. My job is to help you rediscover this truth. I am not posting this list in judgement of any other service provider. Everyone brings different gifts to the table. I am posting to share that some services others offer may leave you vulnerable to emotional or financial abuse (the sale of magic spells in particular). Always avoid invitations to bury mone...