Insight • Psychic Clarity for Everyday Concerns

Life may often feel overwhelming. We may have those days when everything seems to be going wrong all at once! We may not trust our intuition. We may feel as if we can’t get a hold on the best way to move forward at any point in time. Sometimes we are faced with many important, life changing decisions and sometimes those choices are inter-related. One choice will impact all the other choices on our horizon in such a way that we may feel paralyzed, unable to risk any choice at all. This is one of the times when a psychic reading can be most helpful. We are able to get a glimpse of the outcome of our decisions, we can “try them on” before we fully commit to see if a particular choice will move us forward, toward our desired goal - or not. Clairvoyant Tarot readings are a very powerful tool to help us access our Divine Mind, also referred to by some as our High Self. The Tarot is a unique oracle in that it empowers not only the Seer, but also the Seeker. ...