Tarot & Inter-dependance: Why the Question Matters

A truth that is revealed in the reading process is that we are co-creating our future. Every choice we make, word we speak, action we take will affect our future. We are always making choices. When we come to the reading table, the answers revealed during the session reflect past acts and decisions. The answers that I am able to offer are a direct reply to the primary question you ask.
Tarot readings address both the internal and external worlds we live in. The primal images used in the decks serve as a mirror of our lives making the Tarot a useful tool to help us see ourselves as we are, where we are, and to gain the clarity, direction & insight on the processes that brought us to this moment in time.
Because we are in action, and the world is in action while everything is really changing all the time, it is best to ask specific questions designed to reveal specific answers when consulting the Tarot. In Tarot readings, the primary assumption is that anything is possible, and most anything can be seen if one knows where to look.
It is my responsibility to give you the truthful answer to the question you ask. Sometimes, when the answer is revealed, a second question arises.. or a third. To give an accurate reading it is important that the first question was clearly answered. I trust that if the answer was not clear that you will feel comfortable telling me so when I ask if you have any questions about the answer you just received. The second answer may well be based on the decisions you make after hearing the first answer. If my answer was not clear, I will do my best to explain again.
Sometimes we focus on external actions as the most relevant to creating the future, yet many times, it is the internal decision, the messages we tell ourselves, the way we treat others and their reactions to that treatment that create a subtle landscape of experience... a landscape that is just as sure to direct our path as a decision to turn right at the stop light.
The answers revealed, or the future revealed, is dependent on the choices you make during and after the reading. The future revealed is not fixed. It depends on you. We can't see what will happen next if you haven't made the necessary choice to set the wheel of a particular future in motion. For example, I can't see the outcome of your decision to go to Atlanta if you have no intention of going to Atlanta to begin with.
If you want to see the outcome of a legal matter, a military action, a contest, or some other group event where many players all have different roles that are in constant change, it will be more difficult to give an accurate answer to that question than to one where you are the actor, and the stage in under your control. Why? The interconnectedness of things, the web of life factor, makes it more difficult to see the result of a group action, as anyone may choose to do anything at any time.
I imagine that this post has now fluttered far from my original intent... which was to help you prepare for a reading by having a short list of things you would really like to know. An idea of the future you want to create - rather than the passive expectation that I might be able to tell you what will happen next.
What happens next depends in large part on you! This is the joy & the challenge of life.
I thank Osho Zen Tarot - The Transcendental Game Of Life for their kind permission to use their graphics on my site.Osho Zen Tarot -The Transcendental Games of Life, St. Martins Press ISBN: 0-312-11733-7 with permission of osho.com.
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