Psychic love reading - Tarot for the energetic nature of relationship.

ann george studios, incOften when looking into relationships, I find that it is important to address both the physical truth & the energetic truth of emotional/sexual relationship. Sometimes I will be reading for a client who is looking for new love, asking "Show me the best path to right love" perhaps, and even though that question implies the client is single, the very same client reads as a married person.

Examples when this might occur include those who are recently divorced and still physically living in the same home, co-workers who have ended an emotional relationship but still see each other everyday at work and people who really are physically separated but who have not made the emotional disconnect.

It is my nature to read the energetic reality first, which means I tend to see the physically single person with a deep attachment to a relationship partner as a couple regardless of the physical nature of relationship. I have published another article on the energetic nature of relationship which you may find useful.

That said, there are several points to discuss when approaching an answer to the complexities of human relationship through the oracle of Tarot.

The first concept is in play in the discussion of which is the true relationship reality. I am sure the energetic one must be considered the valid outlook. Anyone who has felt trapped in a "loveless" relationship will know right away that the presence of a partner does not mean that one is loved.

The second concept is that the future outcome of relationships is very much dependent on both the actions of seeker and the willingness of the beloved to recreate that relationship future. Sometimes I suggest the question be fine-tuned to: "Show me the outcome of continuing my relationship under the present circumstances." This question usually reveals the outcome of the relationship & allows for the follow up questions, "Show me the best way to heal my relationship if possible."

It may seem a bit controlling of me to suggest a "formal" question, however, my suggestions are only that. I have learned that the active, focused question yields the most direct and timely answer, whereas the "Will I?" question yields many relationship futures, depending on what the clients bottom line really is.

Further, as I do not ask you tell me anything about the relationship, only to concentrate on the details - to visualize the meeting; the evolution of the relationship; and the current state of affairs while I shuffle the cards for you - I will have no verbal information to go on, so the question is critical.

I strongly prefer to know nothing about a situation before consulting the Tarot. If both seeker & reader are open, the question is clear, and the seeker is able to concentrate on the details of the question, then the energetic conditions to reveal the future are met, and the answer is revealed, as best as I am able.

(*Many times a client has been thinking about the problem for days, and will quickly review the issues in a matter of seconds during the reading. However, I require that the client concentrate for a matter of minutes on the progression of the relationship to give the most accurate reading. If a client really feels as if they cannot concentrate on the question, but needs to speak the information - to tell me what happened - of course that is fine.)

A final concept to address in this post is the difficulty of the pressing needs of lovers to know what will happen next. OFten, when in love, the desire for the beloved is great, the pain of the loss of the relationship, or the suffering during a crisis in relationship creates a kind of pressure, or an emotional volume that creates a kind barrier for this reader to overcome.

I must read past, or see past the desire of the seeker for a particular outcome to see the outcome that is already in play... the co-created future between two people. At this point in a reading, one encounters another relationship truth - both parties must be open to recreating the future for a new outcome to occur.

The contradictory point of discussion is that is also true that to change a relationship, the first thing one must change is the self. When we change our minds, hearts, thoughts, words, and actions then everything around us will change in response. A powerful woman healer I know closes all her e-mails with a quote to this effect "You are what you think - Think Love."

In conclusion, this post addresses a few points that seem most relevant to Tarot readings for the future of loving relationships. I will address this topic again in future posts. Until that time, I send best wishes for loving kindness in all you do. Ann George


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