Tarot Readings for Couples

In general, I read for one person at a time. Sometimes, that person will want a friend, relative or loved one to be present during the reading. Many people find it helpful to have a friend in attendance to help them remember all that was revealed in the session. As well, sometimes a friend will hear the same words, but apply a slightly different interpretation than the seeker.
The discussion that follows if often beneficial to both parties. However, in those circumstances, my primary purpose is to provide honest answers to the questions asked. If, the seeker asks a question about their relationship with the person in attendance, I will of course continue to provide my most accurate answer possible.
Sometimes, this is uncomfortable for me.... and not always in the best interest of the couple. My suggestion is that if a couple want to consult the Tarot together, that they decide what questions they want to ask.. or what information they want to receive. Then, it will be best for the couple to decide who will sit at the table to ask the questions they have agreed upon.
For example, if a couple is trying to heal a relationship, they could ask very useful questions that could help them resolve their differences and work toward a reconciliation. I think it crucial to point out that I am not a marriage counselor, nor am I a L.C.S.W. and am not trained to mediation a marriage conflict.
I am a professional Clairvoyant reader who employs Tarot to be sure that the answers I see are validated by this ancient oracle.. and to be able to reveal back to the seeker, answers to their questions with verbal and visual skills.
In closing, I do read for one person with a second in attendance. I will also read for a couple, with one person as the primary seeker asking questions that the couple believes will be helpful, and/or healing.
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