Psychic readings, black auras, demons working against you & when to walk away.

I recently received an email from a woman who wrote to ask my opinion of her encounter with a "psychic reader." Here is her letter:

"I have recently gone to see a psychic and was told I had a dark purple almost black aura. They told me they would help cleanse me.  I went back for part of my cleanse and she told me she was looking to see where this negative energy is originating from. On my third visit, I was told I have demons working against me.  I really would like a second opinion on this because for them to help me it is going to cost $3,500 and thats a lot, so i really want to see if there really are demons. If i could schedule a reading that would be great. Hope to hear from you soon."

Here is my reply:

"Please, do not believe the "psychic" who has told you all these horrible things. The pattern you are reporting is a traditional scam that is used by unethical "psychics". Please do not give them any more money! There will always be a "reason" they need more.

Even if you hare having hard times.... and it seems as if your are cursed... or plagued.... and you want a cleanse, a legitimate energy healing should cost no more than a visit to the doctor.. Reiki healers charge between $35 to $125 per session, and that healing is designed to restore your energy body to a natural balance.

The aura is in a state of flux, it is a rainbow body of change. I have never really seen one "stuck" on a particular color. Regardless, you are the one who will heal yourself. You are the one who has the power to  learn to protect yourself. Do not be afraid of this person/these people. Fear is what they feed on. Some people spend tens of thousands of dollars under the influence of  "psychics" who are great manipulators.

I am happy to read for you. To ensure you have a good reading, here are some articles designed introduce my services to be sure we are a good fit:

As well, you may enjoy and article I wrote:

I started pouring meditation candles, healing affirmation candles and making aura cleanse incense as well as protection and prosperity incenses,  in response to just this kind of bullying so that people would be able to use meditation candles, incense and affirmations to move through obstacles. 

Wishing you all the best!" 

While this was not a thorough reply to all issues brought up by this letter ( demonic possession, aura cleansing, energy healing etc. ) I publish it now for those who are also having a similar experience. 

There are many qualified energy healers in the greater Jacksonville area as well as in St. Augustine. You can usually find their ads in Natural Awakenings magazine, or simply ask friends who use alternative medicine. 

I hope you find this post helpful. 

Ann George
Clairvoyant Tarot Consultant
Usui Reiki Master  


  1. Love your blog! I've been doing a lot of research into true tarot meanings and this has really helped. Thank you!


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