Practical Mysticism Workshop - 2nd Class Saturday 2/29/15

All are welcome to join the second in a series of workshops that will feature a discussion on the benefits of understanding the basic personality traits of each sign of the Zodiac so that we may celebrate and understand how each of us brings different gifts to the table of life. 

Please bring your insights and experiences to the conversation. Class/Workshop will be offered from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM at Midnight Sun, 1055 Park Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204. Cost is $20 per person. (Debit, Credit and Cash all accepted.) 

This month the workshop will continue to explore such topics as:
1) Signs of the Zodiac and how they may best used in advising every day decisions
2) Signs & Omens
3) Paranormal Events
4) Empowering Rituals - simple, elegant ways you can make everyday acts sacred.
5) Opening to your Inner Mystic 
6) Action on the Mystic Path 
7) The Internal Dialogue

This second workshop will focus, in part on the Fixed Earth Sign of Taurus. Topics for discussion will also include the metaphysics of attraction as well as the impact of internal dialogue on the external world.

Exploring the mystic in all paths possible for over 43 years, Ann George is very well researched and a welcoming and articulate speaker. Her intent, to help you return to your own “mother beat” of awareness that awakens your inner self to the outer divine.


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