Reading the Now

I am almost always asked to do readings to see the future. I also offer past life reading and mediumship work as is necessary for the emotional well being of my clients. 

I am a question specific reader, and do not “throw the cards” or “read the cards” in the sense that I rely on the Tarot exclusively for seeing. Rather, the Tarot is my validator, the second opinion and witness that empowers me to rest assured that what I “see” is accurate.  My responsibility is to tell you the truthful answer to any questions you ask.

In recent times, more clients are coming for an assessment of the present. Their concerns are best expressed as:

“What is going on?“
“Why do I feel this way?”
“Am I on the right path” 
“What is my life’s purpose.”

These kinds of questions, arising more and more often, confirm that we are indeed in a strange and stressful time. The world we inhabit is rapidly changing and forces both obvious and subtle are changing our lives.
A reading can help provide or restore “sure footing” by helping us have clarity on what we are doing and the why of our doing it. A reading can help us better understand our choices. The principles for reading the Now are much the same as for reading or “seeing” the future. 

I will always require your question, as that question gives me your permission to look. I will always need you to relax and “show me” or visualize the circumstances that are causing you confusion, despair, anxiety or any other emotion you wish to resolve. I really do not require much more spoken information than your question.

I feel the best readings are those in which we work together. When we agree to open the doors of time, then I am able to see far more clearly and more accurately than if you come to the session in a passive state. 

When seeing the answer to your specific question, the Tarot may sometimes “insist” that you address an issue which you may find difficult to face; or to acknowledge truths you know in your heart of hearts that  may not yet have reached your conscious mind. I have learned to ask clients how deeply they wish to look into these kinds of difficult matters, and then to proceed gently.

Thus, asking a present time question is the best way to be sure that you “see” what you need to see, to feel validated, and to move forward with confidence.  Examples of a present time question would be:

“Show me why I feel so __________ at work.” (the key is to set an area to explore.)
“Show me why I no longer enjoy my social life.” 
“Show me how to feel better about my appearance.” 

These are only sketches of the format for asking. I will answer any question you ask. 
When trying to sort out how to begin to see the now from a place of pain, confusion, fear or depression it my be helpful to know that there are four primary elements of seeing: 

The Fire Path - this is the path of Right Work, of Spirituality, of Purpose and often manifests as a career problem.
The Air Path - this is the life path that Tarot uses to address Social Relationships, the World of Mind, of Language and Learning,  and the world of Music and the Arts.

The Earth Path - which is the life area where concerns for Home, Wealth, Property, and the Physical Body dominate.

The Water Path - often the path of Love, of Healing, of Creation and sometimes of Destruction.

When you come for clarity on the present, perhaps on the circumstances of an emotional/sexual relationship - then the Question might best be;

“Show me what I need to see about my relationship with _______ at present” 
“Show me the best way to be a supportive partner to my  _______ at present”

It is the act of asking for direction in a life area (or element) that makes reading the present most accurate. 

However, if you ask without a qualifying question, then the answer is the answer and I am powerless to do other than tell you what I see.  Without a qualifying question that seeks direction, I may simply tell you that which you already know.   

If you simply were to sit down and say “Show me what is going on.” with no other qualifier, then a second concert is that I might see what you do not want to discuss. I might see repressed issues you have not faced. I might see defects of character that are keeping you from your happiness, or gossips in the workplace whose petty chatter is simply that. 

This passive approach of sitting at the table and asking me to show you whatever arises is not one I prefer. In all these years reading for the public, I seek first to do no harm, and must give a truthful answer. 

I publish this article now so that those who are seeking a reader who is willing to just look and see will choose someone who specializes in that reading style. It can be amazing! It can an awakening! I am not suggesting that this style of reading is in any way not useful.  Just that I am not very good at it for the reasons listed above. 

Thank you for your kind attention to my post. 

Ann George

Clairvoyant Tarot Consultant
(904) 993-7466


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