Tarot: The Why of Live Readings by Clairvoyant Ann George - Professional Tarot Consultant.

As I have been fortunate to have worked as what I am or who I am, for over twenty years now. As time has passed, many of my local clients moved away but still wanted to be able to have readings with me.

It is through their encouragement and support that I began reading by phone in 2000. Over the years I have found that telephone readings offer us many advantages. I know now that they are as accurate as live readings, as well they save us precious time. Voice to voice and mind to mind we open the Akashic Record to see the future. 

The blessing of live reading time is that we are still voice to voice and mind to mind, but because we are physically present with one another we can share the experience of the special vortex that is created when we come together with the agreement that we will see the future, more specifically, the outcome of your choices. 

As well many people enjoy seeing the Tarot cars that manifest during their sessions. Some take photos of the spread of their cards. You will have three decks to choose from, all the same in nature but visually different. For many, the Tarot is a powerful oracle, and for some, more valid and reassuring than the impressions of a psychic alone. I strongly prefer to consult that Tarot, although I have had other kinds of readings, I resonate with the participation that Tarot makes possible. 

The same principles of reading will apply for both live and phone sessions. I will ask you to ask me your most important question first. If you ask this aloud, we can be sure that you are asking the most empowered and specific question possible. 

After you tell me the question, I will ask you to relax, and then to “show me” either by visualizing or remembering the situations that have passed relevant to the question that I need to see to be able to find your answers. 

I will tell you the truthful answer as best I can, pausing to stop to be sure I am clear and that you are comfortable with the progress of the session. As we move through the answer, if you have any questions at any time, please feel welcome to stop me and ask for clarity. 

It is not uncommon for people to cry during a session. This is very healing and many people are validated at long last because they receive answers they have been seeking for some time. Sometimes people reconnect with loved ones who have moved to other realms. Some simply are able to accept their own intuition as valid! 

I will be offering live readings this Thursday, January 28,2016 from 12:30 - 5:00 PM at Midnight Sun, 1055 Park Street, Jacksonville, Florida. It is often difficult to keep to our schedule as the reading process can be very healing, comforting, 

Please feel welcome to walk in for a reading. The 15 minute session or the Half Hour sessions are available on a first come first served basis most every Thursday. Paranormal event counseling is also possible at the same price per time chosen.

I post these roses as a reminder that the world is unfolding! Our lives are unfolding just as the rose. With care and wisdom, we can create beautiful futures. 

It is very easy to “go over” time…… however as others are waiting, I trust you will help me keep us to schedule. I hope you find this post helpful.

In kindness, 

Ann George


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