Love Readings - Psychic Insights on Love

Love Readings - Psychic Insights on Love

Love Readings - What Can You Tell Me About My Soul Mate?

I recently received this question from a casual seeker. “What Can You Tell Me About My Soul Mate?” This passive form of seeking guidance in general illustrates why so many find it difficult to attract a right relationship.

I do not try to answer this kind of question as there is no ground to stand on, no point of reference from which to see the future. Instead, I invite my clients to stop a moment, and really consider what kind of love it is they truly want before making their appointment for a reading.

If you want “right love” (which means love that is good for you!) and you are consulting a psychic, clairvoyant or counselor to get help with this issue, it is important for you to know what you are looking for.

Many times when asked to visualize the kind of companion they seek people offer very general answers such as: “I want a good man/women who loves me.”

This is actually a call for disaster. The universe may hear you and present you with exactly what you asked for and nothing more. Thus, you may receive a suitor with no criminal record, a good moral code who loves you, wants to be there for you, wants to be with you, wants to dote on you, wants to offer you constant attention, to be in your presence as much as possible. .. to “love” you.

The sad part about asking in such a way is that the person you attract may present with deep value conflicts to your lifestyle. Some of these are that the person:
Is not of your faith, 
  • Does not share your preference for exercise, 
  • Is a carnivore to your vegan lifestyle,
  • May not be fluent in your primary language,
  • May pressure you to marry,
  • May want to be supported by you,
  • May smoke, drink to excess, or have other vices you abhor, 
  • May have a large extended family you prefer not to know,
  • May have a jealous nature. 

Clearly I can go on. The fact is that you may well attract someone who does not have anything in common with you at all! Of course they will still be “good” and “love” you.

So, the first step on the path to seeking right love is to know, and to be able to visualize, just what you want in a loving relationship. How will you spend your Wednesday evening? What will you do on Sunday?

The more clearly you are able to visualize your preferences, the more accurately a reader can guide you to the type of person you seek. I often suggest that clients take the time to make a list of qualities they strongly prefer in a partner as well as behaviors they are not willing to accept.

 Sometimes it is the “little things” that drive couples apart.
To Attract Right Love - Take Time For Yourself!
Another difficulty I often see in the search for right love is that people do not take the time between relationships to analyze what happened in the last one and so, still fresh from wounds and disappointment, they try again to make a love connection.

It doesn’t matter how long you have been single, if you have not made an honest assessment of what happened, why the relationship did not work or last, then it will be difficult not to make the same mistake again. The reason is that your are still vibrating at the frequency that attracted your last partner, or worse are vibrating in a damaged frequency. Like a wounded animal in the ocean if you are vibrating at a damaged level you are most likely to attract a shark, a hero, or simply drift on down the river of love with no navigation at all.

You may not clearly know what went wrong - and this is an excellent time to have a reading. The questions to ask may be:

  • Show me the meaning and purpose of my relationship with ________________.
  • Show me the best way to heal my relationship with ________________ if possible. 
  • Show me how to recover from my relationship with _____________________.

Should you choose to spend your reading on these kinds of questions then it will be important to be able to call to mind the history of your journey with your former lover. I support the decision to order a reading to gain a second insight into your last relationship as it is often so freeing!

Please feel welcome to call to schedule your session. I am at 904-993-7466.

One problem with rushing from one relationship to the other is that you have not “reassembled” yourself. Relationships of any kind are energetic connections. Once broken, they leave both parties “apart” in an energetic way. Allowing yourself to return to center, to grieve, to assess, and to heal is the best way to begin again.

Some Of Us Are Comfortably Single.

Many cultures put great emphasis on having a loved one, a true love, a husband or wife and in the US we are heading right for the “Day of Days” for couples and often a day of sorrow for the single. 

I encourage you to “break the rules” and ask an elder out for Valentines dinner. Take a good friend out for a drink to celebrate all the fine times you have enjoyed as a “couple.” Send flowers to a relative, perhaps a maiden Aunt with a kind note. Send a card or a cologne sample to an Uncle or family friend. 

If you are single - and in love with life, the Divine, your art, your music, your dance - then you may be one of the luckiest people of all. You too could have a reading about developing your relationship with your passion.

Often the greatest expressions of love come from the joy of using your calling to benefit others.  It is my hope that this blog post about attracting right love from the metaphysical point of view is helpful to you.

May all your sweet dreams come true,

Ann George



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