Love Readings • Observations & Insights from a Psychics Point of View.

I am writing about love & the metaphysics of attraction so you may review these ideas before you call any psychic for a Love Reading as some things are just energetically true. 

If you are aware of the energy habits people develop in loving relationship then you will be able to take care of yourself when seeking a partner. 

It is very important to realize that all past relationships, whether from the birth or adopted family,as well as our own early efforts at love, all relationships change us. They attune us to a frequency that is often impossible to overcome unless we pause, examine our motives, our own patterns and make changes in our mindstreams. 

An easy example is the person who seems to always choose an alcoholic partner.  I submit there is an energetic reason for this.

If a child is raised in a household where alcohol abuse is the norm, and the chaos of addiction is accepted in that home then, that child will accept the “frequency” of alcoholism and be familiar with that. Another way to state this is: A person will naturally vibrate at the frequency they experience, or are surrounded by in childhood.

Of course this can change! 

Most often the child does not have anyone to help them know that alcoholic behaviours and the coping skills of those in love with an alcoholic are not healthy. 

If you accept the idea that we are in fact spiritual beings, energy beings in a material shell, then you should be able to accept that any child raised in an alcoholic environment will be conditioned or tuned to attract an alcoholic personality.

Alcoholics vibrate at a familiar frequency to all children raised in alcoholic homes. That chaos is their normal. Falling in love with a person who vibrates at a “normal” frequency is comfortable.

Often as we begin to fall in love our partners may not manifest a full alcoholic personality right away, however that frequency is there and familiar. 

Should the partner begin to abuse alcohol, all the learned coping skills from childhood may kick in. In some cases, feel that something is not quite right and question the relationship. 

I realize this example is a very broad brush introduction to the idea that we can be attuned to attract a particular partner.

We can be changed by the people we love. We are deeply changed by the people with whom we share our bodies. Sex is a powerful energetic experience/transformation and a bond of some kind is always created. 

The energetic connection we make with sex may override our best thinking, but it will seldom override our inherited or our attuned frequency. If we make the effort to come to a deeper understanding of ourselves, or avail ourselves of healing modalities such as Reiki, massage, acupuncture or other energy work we can change our frequency. 

When we seek to attract right love, often we have an outline of what we want to experience in a relationship. The more detailed our description of a right partner, the greater the possibility that we will find - or attract - that person.

If we have very open expectations - perhaps something as vague as I want my partner to be sexually appealing, have a good job, like the same music I do…. etc, then we are attracting on the most superficial level.

If we wish to attract a partner who is honest, kind, intelligent, thoughtful, loving, open, generous,  peaceful, we will have a much better chance of success.

It takes time to discover the inner qualities of a person, and time to be sure that we are attracting what we want on a soul level. Most people are lovely for the first four to six weeks of dating. 

It takes time, talking, shared experiences to discover who your partner really is on a soul level. Allowing sex to occur early in the process does not help us discover who we are really dating. Of course we will know if there is a sexual compatibility, but that comfort alone will not sustain a relationship when two people have very different value systems. 

If you are going to have a love reading, the first best thing to do is to check in with yourself and know why you are interested in someone, or to take a good look at how your relationship began. 

In general, it is best to date someone who has been single for several months. Dating a new partner while he or she still has a relationship to end will not allow you to see that persons authentic self. 

They may be vibrating at a “damaged” frequency. They may be seeking a hero, they may need comfort and care-taking, and when they are stronger present a very independent or perhaps an aloof personality that was always there.  

Best questions to ask to see the future of a love relationship are asked after you have had a least three dates with your partner. That way there is enough ground to stand on for a reader to go looking. 

Best questions are often:

Show me the outcome of continuing my relationship with ____________.
Show me the meaning and purpose of my relationship with______________.
How may I best succeed in my relationship with_______________.
What behaviours am I doing that are hurtful to my partner_____________.

If you have to ask whether or not your partner is faithful, you are probably: 
  1. not yet ready for a relationship, or
  2. you are in a relationship with the wrong person! 

Questions that are very difficult to answer accurately are:
  • Does my partner love me?
  • Is my partner faithful?
  • Should I stay with my partner? 
  • Is my partner my soul mate?
  • When will I find my soul mate? 
  • Will I get married? 
  • Will I have children? 
  • When will my partner call me? 

These are all “free will” questions or questions that are subjective. One person may believe they love another, yet the person who is loved may not appreciate or even realize that they are loved. We are all so different, we all have different values and expectations of love. A person may love you very much, but that does not mean the love offered will fill your expectation.

Therefore the best questions are always the ones listed at the beginning of this post. I realize now that I have only touched on a few concepts of the energetic nature of relationships. I will blog more as soon as possible.

I hope you have found this helpful. If you would like to schedule a reading with me, I am available by phone Sunday through Friday from 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Eastern Time.  Please call 904-993-7466 to schedule or visit my website.

Ann George

© Ann George Studios, Inc. 

I have been doing Usui Reiki energy healing since 1990. I have been a professional Clairvoyant offering Clairvoyant Tarot for the past 20 years. The post above is made possible by working with human energy bodies and their affect on the metaphysics of attracting a healthy relationship. 


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