Past Life Reunion or True Love? • Psychic Readings for Love are Helpful.

Many people have had the experience of meeting someone and instantly  feeling as if they have know the new acquaintance forever! 

All is comfortable, sentences are completed, world views are the same, and there is often an instant sense of comfort & ease with the new friend.  This can be a very exciting time for both people as a feeling of true kinship is very hard to find. 

Sometimes these kinds of meetings occur quite unexpectedly, perhaps in a restaurant, a drum circle, the library or a coffee shop. 

Where ever they happen, both people are usually quite affected by the experience. The unexpected encounter in an everyday venue makes that moment pop. 

Sometimes, depending on the circumstance, people may feel as if they have finally met “The One”, the soul mate they have been searching for, and they fall in love without much thought at all. 

All is so breathtaking, exhilarating and special that it is very easy to mistake this kind of experience for love.

If it is true that you have encountered your true love, and you are sure this is love at first sight, this is a lovely and indeed rare event.  What is much more likely is that you are meeting someone with whom you have shared experience together in a past life, a celestial realm, or another world. 

In Western culture, we are not often presented with a world view that allows for reincarnation, much less reunion with a friend, family member or loved one from a past life.

It is my experience that people who are sensitive are more much likely to have these meetings. In fact, sometimes we can find ourselves in what I call a “past life hallway”. 

When we are in one of these moments, or hallways we may meet many people from a previous life from a particular period in time over the course of several months. 

Sometimes there is just one past life return and a years may go by before we have another one of those experiences. How do you know if you are indeed having a past life return moment?

Sometimes the moment really takes our breath away. We may feel as if our heart is pounding, as if something magical is about to happen even though we are not sure quite what it is. Then, we see our person and they the meeting is  marked by an instant recognition of the other. 

If this is a new idea, please consider that time is not linear, consciousness is eternal, and the energetic bonds we form with people who were important can enable us to meet again and again, birth to birth. 

I post this note about past life returns during this series of posts about love from a psychics perspective because sometimes we mistake a past life return for a soul mate experience. 

The physical and emotional markers are the same:
  • There is a often breathlessness, 
  • We feel as if we have known the person all our lives,
  • We can’t wait to see them again.
  • We feel an deep physical attraction to the person, and 
  • We wonder why we are reacting so powerfully.

If it is appropriate that dating begin, then it may be very easy to believe we have met our match. 

The trouble is that often a past life return, while a powerful moment in time, does not mean that the person we met is in fact a suitable life partner, lover, or even best friend. We have to allow the impact of the meeting to dim before we will be able to clearly see what is happening. 

We may be certain that we have know the person before, but we may or may not have had an intimate relationship with them. Some people meet across time again and again. They form all kinds of relationships! It is possible to meet a parent, sibling, enemy, priest or priestess, or best friend from another time.

Often we meet someone we were left waiting for, perhaps we find a beloved we lost at sea, or at war. When this kind of open ending has occurred, the reunion may be all the more powerful and the relationship that much more difficult to end. 

I post this to offer some insight for those who are having trouble understanding why it is so hard to let go of a relationship you know is not working; for those who fell in love at first sight and are now confused about  your relationship; and for those who are curious about whether or not they have found the one and are hesitant to proceed. 

Each of us is unique and it is my experience that some people have been incarnating as human beings on this planet for centuries. I usually explain a past life return moment to my clients as follows:

Time is like a candy ribbon, the kind I used to get a Christmas (last century). It was beautiful and striped, made of spun sugar and very elegant. The ribbon looped upon itself, building a tower of infinity symbols with big loops at the end, meeting in the center and looping out again and again.”

“In the middle of that candy ribbon layers of spun sugar stack one upon the other. Time is like that. We may now be at such a moment in our lives that there are layers of other lives that “press” on our consciousness. Sometimes we may meet someone from another time, and sometimes we may be working through a life lesson we still hope to master.” 

“These moments fade away. Time moves on, as do we. The length of the hallway will become dependent on the choices we make. Please use the insight revealed in your session to your best advantage in this lifetime.” 

I hope you find this post helpful. I realize that it is not possible to address all the variables that can happen when worlds collide. The purpose of writing this is to help those who are falling in love, or lust with another to have an alternate explanation for their feelings. 

Peace to all, 

© Ann George Studios, Inc. 


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