How Often Should I Have A Reading? An Honest Answer from a Professional Psychic Reader

Having a good reader, one who can “see” answers to your questions, who can find the why or the how of expereinces affecting you, can be a very pleasant sensation.
Many first time clients find they feel very validated. Many feel that they have more confidence about the next steps to take to achieve their goals. Many learn that it is safe to trust their intuition.
Some people are really surprised that they enjoyed the session so much, and many want to have another reading again, perhaps right away!
Some seem to feel a little bit guilty about wanting another session, and I am sure I should invite all my clients to feel welcome to come again. (I am rather shy about that.)
The purpose of consulting a seer is to have the benefit of that second sight and put the information revealed to best use. So, how often should one consult?
In general, I suggest people consult every six to twelve weeks depending on their lifestyle. It is always best to consult every three to four months.
If you choose to have a reading every six months (providing that your life is unfolding as you hoped, you feel emotionally and spiritually secure, and there are no pressing issues to distract) this is the longest time between sessions that I recommend.
Some people have their annual reading around the first of the year. I am happy to oblige. However the world is constantly coming. Each moment, each breath provides us the opportunity to recreate the future.
I am able to clearly see three to six months forward with good accuracy about matters over which you have the most control. Those life areas such as work, diet, exercise, spiritual development, career paths, social circles and such are the easiest everyday matters for a reader to see accurately.
When a client is emotionally charged, under stress, in fear, or under the influence of another (a lover, a judge, a court case or some outside variable over which they have no control), it is very difficult to accurately see the future.
I usually ask clients to take a moment to reflect and to see just how much influence they have over their own future. Then, if they are able to ask an empowered question set, I am happy to read.
If a person is in deep stress, then my first challenge is to read through that stress to find a clear path to answer the question.
Turbulent love matters are difficult to read. Often those who come for answers about a relationship have a strong desire that the relationship work out the way they want it to.
Many times people will ask me questions such as:
Does he/she love me?
Will he/she call me?
Will he/she call me?
Will my lover return to me?
Is my lover thinking of me now?
These are “mind reading” questions. Yes, a good clairvoyant, a good psychic can read minds. I find little use in it.
Minds are like the wind……. they change as they please. We don’t try to catch the wind, we just accept that the wind blows.
Sometimes people call to read daily about a love relationship. This is never a good idea. If you asked questions about your relationship on Tuesday, and received answers, it is best to allow some time to pass before looking again.
If you are involved with an unstable personality, it is very difficult for a reading to provide you 100% accuracy as your lover is not coming to you from an emotionally stable place.
If you are desperately in love with someone, you may want that person to change, to love you, to leave their spouse, to reassure you that they are not cheating and then you will be the one who is in an unstable place.
If you find yourslef in a situation like this, then it is really best to try to be calm and to realize that you may not get what you want.
If a realtionship is so difficult that you are losing emotional control, this is usually a good indicator that you are not with the best partner for your personaity style.
No psychic, no clairvoyant, no seer is accurate 100% of the time. Many gifted readers are indeed very, very accurate however we will make mistakes.
The liklihood of giving an accurate answer decreases every time the client asks to see the outcome of situations overwhich they have no control.
Sometimes, clients will finally get the answer they have been hoping for!
Suggestions to heal the relationship were followed, time was taken, space was allowed and all is moving forward towad the desired outcome.
Then, in a moment of impatience or temper, that same client will explode and do damage to all the good work done. Sometimes we just can’t help ourselved and we lose control, just as our lovers may lose control.
This kind of self-sabotage is something a good reader may or may not see. If you take actions that change your present, you will change your future.
It is these kinds of variables that determine when to come for a session.
If you are in one of these kinds of emotional situations, then checking in every three weeks may be necessary. The purpose of seeing the future is to see the future.
Court cases are another good example of when not to read too often. The best time to consult an oracle is before you hire a lawyer!
You can ask to see the outcome of hiring a particular attorney to represent you. I am most often able to see if the attorney you chose will be helpful, supportive and be most likely to win your case.
Asking to see the outcome of filing suit before you do so is another best time to consult.
After the attorneys are chosen and the law suit or court case is underway, there isn’t much to see. The die is cast…… the matter is in the hands of the legal system.
To try to read into the clerks office to see when your case will come to trial is almost impossible. To try to see the outcome of a jury trial before the jurors are selected is surely beyond my comfort level.
I strongly prefer to be accurate. I prefer to provide my clients answers that help them move forward in life.
Psychic readings are not well suited to see the outcome of a court case. Best to save your money and to wait and see for yourself.
Psychic readings are not to be used as a substitue for medical testing. While it is true that a reader can see the possiblity of the conception of a child, they are reading the energy of the child to come.
If you are concerned that you might be pregnant, please save your money and see a doctor or purchase a test. If you are not sure who fathered your child, again, medical testing exists to answer that question. Time will answer those questions.
I hope you found this article helpful. If you like my approach to readings, please feel welcome to contact me to schedule a session.
As I have been blessed to be in service for 20 years now, I have clients all over the United States and Western Europe. Most all readings are offered by phone.
As I have been blessed to be in service for 20 years now, I have clients all over the United States and Western Europe. Most all readings are offered by phone.
If you live in Jacksonville, Florida I offer Walk-In readings every Thursday. Visit my website for more information.
© Ann George Studios, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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