Clarity, Insight & Direction • Three Powerful Benefits of Psychic Readings

Every reader has a different approach to the process of “seeing” whether they are looking to the future, troubles of the present, or perhaps past lives that are relevant to the now. 

I am a question specific reader who looks to the Akashic Record to find your part in the great interdependence and to see what was, what is and what you are co-creating. 

The benefits of this approach are many, and I will review briefly how we work together to see the future. 

There are articles published on my website that will walk you through the reading process, in particular the reading process with Tarot as a tool. The most important article there can be applied to all the readings I offer, and I hope you review it. 

The title “Help Me Ask My Questions” provides us a ground to see from. An empowered question is all I need to begin to find your answer. Once asked, I do not need you to physically tell me anything more. 

After the question is asked, your challenge is to visualize the back story - to remember the important circumstances relevant to the question. If you are able to visualize the people involved, or perhaps your office life, your concerns or hopes regarding the matter, and relax, I will be able to see with you. 

There is no need to tell me anything. You “tell” me by remembering & visualizing. This method is very useful because words often get in the way. For example…. if you think of the color blue - for you that color may be cobalt while I see sky blue. Both are blues, but they are not the same. 

However if you visualize, there are no words to come between us, and the frequency or the vibration of your memories will lead the way to your part in the Akashic Record to see what is, or is becoming. 

If the future revealed is not quite what we intended, then we may choose another path and take another direction to accomplish our goals. Readings provide direction by revealing the future of a choice and in so doing enable us to choose wisely. 

What is becoming is based on what you have done & what you intend to do about your questions. Each answer will be the out picturing of past actions, and therefore, if unpleasant, we may well work around them to come to a better outcome.

To tell the answer I reveal the past events that are most relevant to the matter and the present circumstances that affect the matter. This is often where my clients experience the greatest benefit of a reading. 

As I do not have anyway to know, prior to your showing me through visualization, the circumstances affecting you as regards any matter when I am able to tell clients the recent past & present as affects their question, many experience great relief. 

Sometimes we do not trust our own intuition, sometimes we are not sure we are correct in our assumptions, observations or feelings in a particular situation. When the past & present are validated through the reading, many feel a great relief. 

This process of seeing the foundation of the future is important for two reasons. The first is that if the outcome of your questions is not what you prefer, we see how you come to that outcome, and therefore what to change in your present to improve or change your future. 

The second reason that seeing the foundational experience set is important is that this process most always validates your experiences. Self doubt, confusion, and anxiety often fall away when what you perceived to be true is revealed as true. As well, should the foundation revealed be somewhat different that you had perceived it, this is when key to the peace of mind is revealed. 

If we have been living based of false assumptions - perhaps fear of betrayal, fear that we have done something wrong or are responsible for some event in the present - when those fears are not revealed as true, are not validated - there is often a great relief and release. 

These statements address the benefit of receiving clarity & insight from a psychic or clairvoyant Tarot reading. The final point to consider is that of the benefit of direction. 

Once we see where we are and how we got there, then the future outcome of choosing something is revealed. If we are satisfied that this is the direction that will take us where we want to be - off we go. 

If the future revealed is not quite what we intended, then we may choose another path and take another direction to accomplish our goals. Readings provide direction by revealing the future of a choice and in so doing enable us to choose wisely. 

This method works well for me, and to date, after 20 years in service, as I am still reading for clients who first consulted me in 1996, this process works well for many. This process does challenge you to be an active player in your own life. 

This process demands that you realize in some way that all actions have consequences. Empowered by insight into our motives, perceptions and past actions we have the power to change our future.

Thank you for your kind attention to my article.  I hope to see you soon. 

Ann George

In person sessions are available on a walk-in basis* most every Thursday at Midnight Sun, Room 101, located at 1055 Park Street, Jacksonville, Florida, 32204

© Ann George Studios, Inc. 12/21/2016.
All rights reserved. 


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