Psychic Readings with Tarot - The Best of Both Reading Styles.

Many times, when people are seeking a psychic reading they are not aware of the great benefits to be hand by using the Tarot during their session. Perhaps many people have had psychic readers who offer only one type of session.

Over the years I find it is best to make use of all available tools when seeking insight into the past, present or future. Tarot is particularly useful when a client is seeking a reading as it helps both reader & seeker tune into those people and events that are directly influencing the present. 

As well the Tarot, which I shuffle during your session, is a highly responsive oracle that is adjusted by your visualizations, memories and hopes during the process of asking your question to reveal the most specific answer possible. 

When you relax your mind and focus your attention on the matters at hand, I am able to look with your. We see together. 

Once your question is asked, I do not need you to tell me anything. Your visualized responses to  the questions I ask - questions to help us narrow the focus and get right to the heart of your concern are sufficient. 

Your silent concentration or visualization of your office, your co-workers your job description, salary and benefits are all that is needed to see the outcome of most any work related question. 

Should you bring a relationship question to the table, I may ask you to “show me” or to visualize your partner, your relationship history as well as those aspects of your relationship that cause you concern. 

After the answer is revealed,  you are then welcome to ask any follow up questions or to share any specifics you think I might need to know so that you may have deeper insight. In general, most clients find that by following this process the do receive the clarity they sought. 

Here is a link to a phone friendly article to help you bring empowered questions to your session. I look forward to reading for you soon. 

I will be offering walk-in readings this Thursday, and most every Thursday from 12:30 - 5:00 Pm at Midnight Sun, 1055 Park Street, Room 101,  Jacksonville, FL 32204.

I look forward to seeing you soon. 

Psychic readings by phone are available Sunday - Friday from 10:00 AM - 7 PM EST. 
FMI please visit my website.

Ann George

© Ann George Studios, Inc. 2016


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