Psychic Readings by Phone or Psychic Readings in Person. Which is Best?
I opened my first shop in Jacksonville, Florida in 1996. It was a lovely space.
I had a little “reading room”, and a small shop of incense, candles, drums, all kinds of shakers, bells, spices and other goods that were helpful for clients to keep sacred space in their home.
For a while we had a walk-in Reiki Exchange, and perhaps one of the first drum circles in Jacksonville, Florida. As time passed and at the request of clients, both local and long distance, I began to work by phone in 2000.
Jacksonville is geographically a very, very large city. As well, it is a transient city and many people pass through on their way to new opportunities, or new deployments.
Clients who had moved away, or who lived quite far from my studio had confidence in me and asked me to try to read for them by phone.
I began phone reading for people who were familiar with my method. The readings were very easy to do, the connections were very easy to make, and my clients reported that phone readings were as accurate as live sessions.
Of course when I stopped to think about it, it made perfect sense that phone readings would be accurate and clear.
(If you want to order your phone reading, please visit this page.
(If you want to order your phone reading, please visit this page.
When I offer an “in person session” I am never reading the physical body of a client. There is no information in your elbow, nose, knee nor any other body part that we need to do a reading.
All we need is the ability to connect mind to mind. When reading by phone, your voice goes right to my ear…. so your mind goes right to mine.

Whether you are in front of me or thousands of miles away - the process of seeing is the same. I don’t need you to set the stage with verbal information, it does not help if you bring a photo with you…. language and photos will only get in the way of clear communication.
The best readings happened when you relax and visualize matters or persons that are relevant to the answer to your question. I am then able to both “listen” and to “see” the circumstances that are creating your future.
Sometimes people ask me how I am able to see what I see. I don’t know. There have always been “seers”. Perhaps we are a tribe? Perhaps there is a wrinkle in the DNA that makes seeing possible.
I have just come to peace with the fact that I am able to provide insight into the future, to find all or part of past lives, and to serve as a medium between the living and the “dead”.

I do not “get vibes” from people that I meet, I don’t read with out invitation. That seems very rude to me. In everyday life I am as everyday as can be.
If you are trying to make it into my office for the Walk-in days on Monday & Thursday from 12:30 - 5:00 pm and find it difficult, please know that I am very happy to read for you by phone.
Live readings are available at 1055 Park Street, Room #101, Jacksonville, Florida 32204. We use a first come, first served flow that usually works out very smoothly. Adding Monday to the schedule made it much easier to walk right in and not have much of a wait.
Still, with traffic and travel time, many who want a reading are not able to get to the store before it closes. For those who are out of town, or just too far away you are welcome to a phone reading. They are available by appointment Sunday through Friday. Please call 904-993-7466 to schedule your phone reading.
Please feel welcome to browse my phone friendly site! If you are browsing my laptop, the menu bar at the top of the page will take to more articles as well as the many blogs.
I hope you find this article helpful.
Ann George
© Ann George Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(You may notice that online testimonials stop at a certain point. The spam was overwhelming. Perhaps there is a new guestbook code out now.)
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