Show Me the Outcome of Continuing • A Question That Reveals the Future
I realize that I need to offer a more complete explanation of one of the best ways to use a question suggested on my website.
I have suggested, particularly for love readings that the best way to see the future of that relationship is to say “Show me the outcome of continuing my relationship with__________.”
I have suggested that asking “Does he/she love me?”, “Is he/she cheating?”, “Is he/she the best one for me? are all questions that will not yield a solid answer. There are two reasons for this.
The first reason a “Does he/she” question is not really helpful is that it requires your reader to make value judgments for you.
For example: Your parter, let’s call her Alice, may truly believe that she loves you, Romeo. However, the love Alice expresses may not feel like love to you, Romeo, at all!
You may feel insecure, controlled, teased, played, unsettled or manipulated even though Alice keeps reassuring you that she loves you.

I will be able to clearly see what will happen in your future regardless of which question you ask because the answer depends on your decision, your action, and your are therefore involved.
Even great couples can go through difficult times. Hard times don’t mean all must come to an end, they mean someone has to be more flexible, someone must practice patience or understanding to keep the couple together.
A second point I should make clear it this: If you ask to see the outcome (future) of a decision, then the reading will show you the future.
Sometimes clients will comment, “But that is not happening now.”, or “She is being very kind now.” or “He is very generous and thoughtful to me now.”
I am always glad to hear that people are happy in their relationships. People do sometimes call to validate that they have found their best partner.
More often, people are concerned about their relationship, something feels “off” but they are not quite sure what that is.
It does happen that while looking to see the outcome of continuing your relationship that I will see that there has been a very loving history, and that there was a time when both people seemed to be a good match.

If you want to see the best way to build a strong relationship with a new someone, the empowered question would be “Show me the best way to build a happy relationship with _______ if possible.”
For questions like this one, I will need you to concentrate on events in the present tense because it is from the now that the future unfolds.
I hope this has provided a bit of clarity. As always, if at any point in time during a reading you feel as if I have lost you, I am not clear, or we are not on the same page let me know.
It is better for me to stop answering a question I didn’t clearly understand. The purpose of having a reading is to get clarity, insight and direction. I trust you to tell me when I have lost the thread.
Another point in closing - the future is always in flux, it is always changing. If you had a reading about a relationship three months ago and received an answer, and you call today and receive a very different answer, this is usually because people grow and evolve together in a relationship, so the relationship answer will be different.
Sometimes people grow apart as well. Sometimes three months is just enough time for a couple to realize they are not the best match. This doesn’t mean that either person is not a find human being, rather that the two people have learned enough about each other to realize another partner would be better.
If you would like to schedule an appointment to consult the Tarot with me by phone, please call 904-993-7466 to schedule your appointment.
FMI please visit the Tarot section of my site.
If you would like to schedule an appointment to consult the Tarot with me by phone, please call 904-993-7466 to schedule your appointment.
FMI please visit the Tarot section of my site.
Thank you for your attention to my post.
Ann George
© Ann George Studios, Inc. 2017
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